Tanya Bryan
Transpersonal Psychospiritual therapist
Passionate planner & coordinator of
A Time To Gather

Main Approach

Trauma informed response to grief, loss, & shock, identity confusion, transition and I-integration support for mystical or non-ordinary state experiences.


From 2017 to 2019, during my ‘sabbatical’ I invited the World renowned Lamenter and musician Tuomas Rounakari to Ireland and went on to support multiple ‘Grief Circles’ around Ireland to process loss through sound.

Continuous Training

  • Dynamic Thai Yoga Massage
  • End of Life Doula/Midwife/Companion

Belief System

Grief and Praise are intrinsic to my acknowledgment of this human existence, for all things immeasurable, seen and unseen. Two key things are required for me to engage, weep and laugh. This is how I connect to the beauty of life. Through my own personal process work I began to use the art-form of Lament to release the narrative of trauma and disconnection. Over fours years of deep self process work (suspended my psychotherapeutic practice) I developed a system of integration support that I now can share with others (fully accredited-licensed). I am passionate about supporting people to re-connect with their own true nature and to come to terms with their limitations. This includes preparing for the end of life (practical and emotional process), managing crisis, integrating life shocks and questioning all that is.

Work Experience

  • 2022 – Now Family Carers Ireland Psycho-social support for carers of the sick, elderly and the dying
  • 2017 – Now A Time To Gather
  • 2015 – 2016 MOVE – Men Overcoming Violent Emotion
    Partner Contact Support Work – Outreach
  • 2013 – 2016 GMHS – Baggot Street Hospital
    Counselling in Sexual Health, HIV support
  • 2010 – 2013 Nova’s Initiatives, Mount Brown Hostel
    Night Shift Worker – Wet Hostel for Homeless Women
  • 2009 – 2016 Saoirse Women’s Refuge
    Advocate for victims of Domestic Violence
  • 2008 – 2014 Keltoi Drug Rehabilitation Centre
    Client support and night shift coordinator
  • 2007 – 2012 Women’s Health Project – D.4
    Clinic Meet & Greet, Sex Workers, Trafficked Women
  • 2006 – 2007 Addiction Services – Baggot St Hospital
    General Assistant on the Methadone programme

Relevant History

  • FSN bereavement group facilitation
  • Lament Facilitation
  • Fully accredited member of I.A.H.I.P
  • Children 1st Trained
  • Sexual Health Training Open Heart House
  • CPR and First Aid
  • Volunteer Ruhama, Street Worker Support
  • Addiction Studies
  • Volunteer National Rehab Hospital (2007)
  • Holotrophic Breathwork
  • Shapes of Grief training
  • Trauma informed therapy training
  • Proactive response training